Friday, April 13, 2007

Drama Queen

Thursday is gymnastics day. I made a horrible mistake as a mother. I forgot the NINTENDO DS. Mason has class at 4:15 and Madigan has class at 5:00. They ob need to be entertained during the down time and Nintendo DS fits that bill. Well, we were in the car next to Wal-Mart when Mason noticed that I didn't have them with us. Heaven Forbid! Tragedy! Life is Ending! My Head is Exploding! Snap! Smack! Uh-uh No Way Forget It! Super! Thanks A Lot! Nice Going! This is what I heard at top volume from the back seat in one long continual outburst. Okay, okay I get it, I suck as a mother. Am I this dramatic???? I didn't think so, but he has obviously learned his Drama Queen behavior somewhere. So being 'super mom' I offer to turn around, but I warn him that he may be late for class. By this time there is only incomprehensible screaming, so I assume he wants the game badly enough to throw this big of a fit. I turn around--(I know... all you mothers out there are shaking your heads and muttering under your breath that I am a fool. That the 6 year old in the car is not the boss. I, as the parent, should have put my foot down and told him to stuff it. Life is hard, learn to deal with disappointment. Trust me, all of these things crossed my mind, but I was weak. And lazy. It took a lot less effort to turn around than it did to listen to a screaming kid all the way to 108th and Fort from 180th and Maple.) Needless to say, the screaming continued. I made the mistake of turning around. Now he was pissed that he was going to be late. He told me I had to pay him for making him late. "Go ahead---pay me!!!! Give me that money right there--it is your fault I am going to be late!!!!! Blah blah blah blah!!!!! Waaaah screech!!!!!" It was at this point that I put my foot down (way to go mom--nice job taking control of the situation) and told him that he wanted me to turn around, I did, and now he was going to have to live with the consequences of that decision. If he was late, that was just too darn bad. And for good measure, I let him know that if the screaming didn't stop immediately, we weren't going at all. Suddenly there was silence. AHHHHHHH!!! He was late, he didn't freak and he spent the rest of the evening apologizing for his fit. So, did I win the battle??? the war??? or did I just lose all the way around??????

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Did you even read your own post about "whose job is it anyway?” When it comes to remember to bring toys in the car or to entertain themselves while doing a mundane task that is my kids’ problem, no mine! I am a little more relaxed on the lunch thing. At this point I don't think Jack is thinking about needing to eat lunch when we leave for school at 8:45am!