Tuesday, April 17, 2007

You are my..,,

Mason and I had such a great morning today. He was just so sweet. Yesterday he hurt his head and his elbow falling off his scooter while I was at work. At the breakfast table he wouldn't move his arm because he said it was straining him. He also informed me that he couldn't get his hair cut on Saturday because Mandy might bump his bump. I just thought it was cute. I gave him some Motrin and told him it would feel better. He kept saying that it was taking a long time to get to his elbow. On the way to school we sang YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE!!! Me, "You are my...." Him, "Sunshine" Me, "My only....." Him, "Sunshine" Me, "You make me...." Him, "Haaaapppppyy" Etc, etc, etc.... Moments like these make me light-hearted and ready to start my day. I remember why I work so hard to make their lives easier. Rewards are so sweet.......

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I just posted about singing that song with my kids...funny!