Friday, April 13, 2007

Who's Job Is It Anyway????

Reading over my last post, I have to ask the question--at what point do the kids take responsibility for there own things??? At school, they ask us not to bring forgotten lunches, homework, sweaters, etc. because children are supposed to remember these things and take responsibility for their possessions. I get this, but come on, these kids are 6 and 4. As a person this makes perfect sense--you want it, you bring it. I don't make sure someone else grabs my purse or cell phone when I leave the house--do you???? Then the mother in me kicks in, "They are babies. They need me to take care of them. They want me to carry them around and powder their tushies." Tough question, I don't want them to feel entitled, but I certainly don't want them to grow up before they have to. Anyway, I am going to run to the grocery before I pick Maggs up--do me a favor and call me tomorrow to remind me that I need to bring my apron to work. Thanks!!!!

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